Apricale, Italy
5 x 1 meters
Bamboo, plaster,
This work is a collective sculpture built in the garden of the castle of Apricale that I called «Oikos» (house in ancient Greek), a circular structure of 5 metres diameter made of bamboo that keeps its shape thanks to the hand impressions of the inhabitants of Apricale. Each person has fixed different joints of the bamboo structure by holding the ends with a bit of plaster in their hand until the plaster dries, leaving the handprint. Each imprint then symbolises the will to support others, to create community, but also symbolises the different connections that like a net bind us to each other. The structure was painstakingly raised with the help of some inhabitants to the position it occupies today, hanging from what is left of a palm tree. Raising it physically was important to me as a collective will of a «utopia» as an engine for the future, which is very necessary in these times.